Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Uninstalling Hyperion EPM V11.1.2.2

All Hyperion folks know it clearly that dealing with Hyperion setup will require knowledge about uninstalling Hyperion suite completely.
As it is pending from a long time, here are basic steps to follow to uninstall Hyperion EPM V11.1.2.2.

Uninstall using same admin credentials with which we have installed Hyperion EPM V11.1.2.2

Uninstall all related softwares

EPM uninstaller uninstalls JRE which comes with EPM installer. It is used for installation and configuration of any Hyperion products. The same JRE is used to uninstall related non-Hyperion softwares like weblogic, OHS. So, if we proceed for EPM V11.1.2.2 uninstall, we can not uninstall related softwares by proper procedure and so we might end up in option of deleting folders and cleaning related stuff.

Thus, it is very important to follow following steps before uninstalling EPM V11.1.2.2.
  1. Run WL Uninstaller seperately
  2. Run OHS Uninstaller separately
  3. Run Oracle Application Developer uninstaller separately
Once we uninstall above products, check if the respective directory is removed from MIDDLEWARE_HOME.

Uninstall EPM System V11.1.2.2

  1. Stop all Hyperion and Oracle services
  2. Uninstall Hyperion EPM system by running "uninstall.bat" located at "MIDDLEWARE_HOME\EPMSystem11R1\uninstall"
  3. Once the uninstall is complete, the directory "MIDDLEWARE_HOME\EPMSystem11R1" should be removed.

Post Uninstallation tasks 

 Shortcuts should be removed.

Check from Start--> All Programs, all related shortcuts should have been removed.

Windows Registry

Check under Windows registry in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software and HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software whether the Brio > Hyperion > Oracle keys have been removed correctly. 
Search registry and remove all the keys with keyword "Hyperion" or "Brio" or "Oracle"
With Oracle keyword, there will be keys for Oracle client which is installed as pre-requisite of EPM System.

Environment Variables

Following environment variables are created while installing hyperion EPM system and should be removed after uninstalling EPM system.
To confirm removal of environment variable, first check if the variable is still present.
If the environment variable is still present, delete it as below.

PATH variable

Check the PATH variable and delete any portions that need to be removed.

Manual File Deletion

Manually check the file system to see if any files or folders have been left behind. If any of these are left behind, they need to be removed manually.

  •     Ensure that <system drive>\Documents and Settings\<install_user>\.oracle.instance file has been deleted.
  •     Ensure that .oracle.products file in Middleware_Home\EPMSystem11R1 has been deleted.
  •     Remove any files left in the existing HYPERION_HOME if this location is to be re-used.
  •     Delete any BEA folder on the file system.
  •     Delete or rename installer records in C:\Program Files\common files\InstallShield\* if no other programs installed by this tool remain.
  •     Check for Oracle EPM related entries in the inventory.xml file located in C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\ContentsXML and remove these entries from the file.
  •     Clean up any remaining Hyperion-related files and directories under the user's install home. E.g. "D:\Oracle\Middleware"

Registry keys deletion

Registry keys which should be deleted:

    Delete any additional 'dds_proxy' settings in the registry.
    Delete any additional 'arborpath' entries in the registry.
    Delete any additional 'hyperion' entries in the registry.

Reboot the system

Please reboot the server after all the steps in the uninstallation have been performed.

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